The Self-Repairing Pipe Screen

Yes, you read that correctly.

Titan Smokescreens are SELF-REPAIRING!

In our ongoing effort to bring you the Best Safest Healthiest & Longest Lasting Pipe Screen ever made, we’ve continued doing testing, research and scientific inquiry.        As a result, we’ve discovered that the particular “grade” of material used in Titan Smokescreens allows them to actually “heal” themselves.

Now NOTHING is 100%, and major damage can only be repaired so far, but Titan Smokescreens are Specially Designed to fight damage and corrosion better than any other pipe screen. So they’re Safer Healthier and Longer Lasting.

Basically, the Chromium content in the metal reacts with Oxygen (either air or water) to create a CrO (ChromiumOxide) “film” layer that grows over the damaged area. Known as a Passive Oxidation Layer, think of it as “growing a new skin”.                               See the diagram below.

ChromiumOxide "Healing" Illustration

ChromiumOxide “Healing” Illustration

The Pipe Screen Proleptic is planning an upcoming In-Depth Analysis of this and other info of a more “technical” nature. So look for this soon.

Can Your pipe screen heal itself?
Titan Smokescreen Can!
’till next we meet.Be Happy.R.

Logo2013 Is Here!

We are really excited to announce Titan Smokescreen Logo2013

Support for the Titan Smokescreen has been wonderfull; with more and more Retailers and Consumers discovering that they can have it all - that it’s finally o.k. to use a metal pipe screen, because Titan Smokescreens are Safer Healthier and Longer Lasting.

Because of YOUR positive response, we’re moving ahead with an Update of Our Logo:

SAME GREAT DESIGN – BOLD NEW SEE-THROUGH LOOK!                              These new designs will be at Your Local Retailer Soon.

Thanks, again for YOUR support – Look for more exciting news and products soon.

’till next we meet. Be Happy. RTSlogoBlkTtext300whtBkg

TopLabel VapeTopLabel

And Now For Something Completely Different…

As I mention in Here We Grow Again, growth comes in many ways.

We are pleased to announce a Fun New Product                                                   Limited Edition Titan Smokescreen Earrings!

These earrings are Delightfull Fashion Items in themselves,                                         but they also have a practical side.                                                                             Each earring includes in its design an ACTUAL Titan Smokescreen!

Now, the point isn’t really to provide a pipe screen for use- but in a pinch…

This IS Fashion Jewelry. Just like rings with leafs, or spoons, beltbuckles, etc…         each design subtly incorporates your Titan Smokescreens.

These Limited Edition Earrings are currently                                                              ONLY AVAILABLE AT:                                                                                                      Both Brazil Discount Tobacco Locations                                                                 visit Find A Retailer for location details

I’m including some photos, but designs will change -


Crystals- various colors





Let us know what you think.    Comments & Suggestions Welcome             Purchases, even better.

’till next we meet. Be Happy!


What Are The Dangers Of Pipe Screen Use?

This is a GREAT (short) article on the subject; and WHAT NOT TO DO -along with Our comments. check it out.

Although we’ve all done it, neither of the alternatives below are safe or healthy, but when all you want is to “enjoy” – well, you do what you gotta do; BUT now you can get Titan Smokescreen, which IS safer and healthier, for those times when you don’t have to just “make do”.

CokeCanPipe/ScreenFoil PipeScreen

Foil PipeScreen

So, the Red Paint will sizzle/melt/vaporize and get inhaled along with ashes into YOUR lungs! Scary,& not near as much fun as huffing paint(SIC)-BOTH ARE DANGEROUS.

The foil is created in such a way that microscopic pieces of aluminum will break away from the layered surface to also get inhaled directly into the lungs;

As a matter of fact, using Aluminum Foil made into a screen                                          IS ONE OF THE MOST UNHEALTHY/UNSAFE things you can do!                   PLEASE, avoid it at any cost – USE NOTHING, instead.

Titan Smokescreen is specifically designed to                                                 ELIMINATE THE DANGERS OF PIPE SCREEN USE!

’till next we meet, Be Happy.R