What Are The Dangers Of Pipe Screen Use?

This is a GREAT (short) article on the subject; and WHAT NOT TO DO -along with Our comments. check it out.


Although we’ve all done it, neither of the alternatives below are safe or healthy, but when all you want is to “enjoy” – well, you do what you gotta do; BUT now you can get Titan Smokescreen, which IS safer and healthier, for those times when you don’t have to just “make do”.

CokeCanPipe/ScreenFoil PipeScreen

Foil PipeScreen

So, the Red Paint will sizzle/melt/vaporize and get inhaled along with ashes into YOUR lungs! Scary,& not near as much fun as huffing paint(SIC)-BOTH ARE DANGEROUS.

The foil is created in such a way that microscopic pieces of aluminum will break away from the layered surface to also get inhaled directly into the lungs;

As a matter of fact, using Aluminum Foil made into a screen                                          IS ONE OF THE MOST UNHEALTHY/UNSAFE things you can do!                   PLEASE, avoid it at any cost – USE NOTHING, instead.

Titan Smokescreen is specifically designed to                                                 ELIMINATE THE DANGERS OF PIPE SCREEN USE!

’till next we meet, Be Happy.R

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