As I mention in Here We Grow Again, growth comes in many ways.
We are pleased to announce a Fun New Product Limited Edition Titan Smokescreen Earrings!
These earrings are Delightfull Fashion Items in themselves, but they also have a practical side. Each earring includes in its design an ACTUAL Titan Smokescreen!
Now, the point isn’t really to provide a pipe screen for use- but in a pinch…
This IS Fashion Jewelry. Just like rings with leafs, or spoons, beltbuckles, etc… each design subtly incorporates your Titan Smokescreens.
These Limited Edition Earrings are currently ONLY AVAILABLE AT: Both Brazil Discount Tobacco Locations visit Find A Retailer for location details
I’m including some photos, but designs will change -

Crystals- various colors


Let us know what you think. Comments & Suggestions Welcome Purchases, even better.
’till next we meet. Be Happy!