With all the myriad ways of consuming cannabis nowadays, we’re always hearing about new ones. We recently heard about a new way to use metal pipe screens.
It’s all part of the Full Melt experience – if you’re not familiar (like we weren’t), its a gooey concentrate that literally leaves nothing behind (well, close enuf to nothing).
Once you’ve viewed the video, you’ll see how the screen comes into play.
Now, since you’re applying a high heat, Titan Smoke/VapeScreens are Ideal; they’ll distribute the heat more evenly = better burn & they’ll Last Longer!
Unlike ordinary 5-in-a-bag-for-a-$Buck cheapos, Titan Smoke/VapeScreens are Healthier (NO Chemical Coatings! no need to “burn” your screen before use); they have a Higher Melting Point, tighter weave & larger diameter wire – which means they’re also Safer & Longer Lasting- they’re also Self-Repairing.
Check out the video & post your “Full Melt Experience” vids/pics on any of our social sites including www.YouTube.com/titansmokescreen , Google+, FB, Twitter & Instagram. #healthyhappysmoke #titansmokescreen

Full Melt Video Link – click photo