Get a FREE concentrates container with every purchase, a $5.99 value.
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NEW PACKAGING is finally here!
We are pleased to announce that our new “waxzr” packaging is finally here!
Now, with EVERY purchase, Titan Smokescreen users will receive a FREE concentrates “waxzr”.
Each of the four varieties has its own color (see the photo).
This is a $5.99 value (minimum…some retailers sell concentrate containers for much more).
So…get to your local retailer and get your FREE WAXZR and a restock of Titan Smokescreens.
—— Here We Grow Again —— Titan Smokescreen Expands Nationally!
We are pleased to announce that Titan Smokescreen is now available in BOTH Colorado & Washington.
Additionally, you can now purchase Titan Smokescreen ONLINE! and in Boston.
In Colorado:
In Washington State:

Medical Releaf Organics
2701 E Main ST
Puyallup, Washington 98372
(253) 282-3455
ONLINE & Boston:
Official Sponsor – Intche San Francisco 2013
Titan Smokescreen is pleased to announce that we are an Official Sponsor of the
International Cannabis & Hemp Expo and 3rd Annual Connoisseurs Cup being held in San Francisco Sept. 7, 2013.
We’re now on THCbiz.
We’re Gonna Be On Television!
Titan Smokescreen Co-founder, Catherine Montgomery will be appearing on ABC’s 20/20 on Friday 7/19/13 as Chapter Leader for Los Angeles Moms for MJ. Be sure to watch and either LiveTweet or LivePostFB.
It’s Only Rock N Roll-But I Like It!
I dont normally post “personal” stuff to our company sites, but this deserves an exception.
Catherine and I were fortunate beyond wishes; we got lucky just getting the specially priced $85 tickets to begin with – THEN, when we got to Staples, WE WERE UPGRADED TO THE TONGUE PIT!
The concert was AMAZING! These guys are in their 70′s and (Mick in particular) didnt stop moving for 3 hours! Talk about stamina. No intermissions, special guests or ANY other distractions. They just played straight-ahead RnR like it really was their “last time”. Being the last concert in L.A., they could have had their pick of special guests etc… but they didnt.
Catherine has been a Stones fan(atic) since childhood, and has seen them a dozen or more times – her “dream” has been to see them in “The Pit”; so this was a very big nite for her. if you want to see more pics/vids of the concert go to her fb page
Not only were they close enuf to touch(except for the security people) but I happened to get a pic of the “Playlist” b4 the the concert started (a bit of a spoiler, i kno, but it was cool).
Just a few photos here to wet ur appetite.
Logo2013 Is Here!
We are really excited to announce Titan Smokescreen Logo2013
Support for the Titan Smokescreen has been wonderfull; with more and more Retailers and Consumers discovering that they can have it all - that it’s finally o.k. to use a metal pipe screen, because Titan Smokescreens are Safer Healthier and Longer Lasting.
Because of YOUR positive response, we’re moving ahead with an Update of Our Logo:
SAME GREAT DESIGN – BOLD NEW SEE-THROUGH LOOK! These new designs will be at Your Local Retailer Soon.
Thanks, again for YOUR support – Look for more exciting news and products soon.
’till next we meet. Be Happy. R
Vaporizer News – New Product
Titan Smokescreens are GREAT for use in Vaporizers! They last a REALLY LONG TIME! and we all know what a pain it can be to change out the screen in a vape. A lot of vapes take the 5/8″ or 3/4″ size screens, BUT… some require a larger, 1″, size. AND YOU’VE BEEN ASKING FOR IT! So, we listened.
Introducing the Titan VapeScreen!
Same Safer Healthier Longer Lasting High Temp Stainless Steel in a 1″ size. Designed Specifically for Vaporizers that need a larger pipe screen.
Same Higher Melting Point, No Chemical Coatings, Tighter Mesh, Larger Diameter Wire and a MUCH Better Corrosion Resistance Level than ordinary brass or steel pipe screens with a COOL NEW LOOK! to set YOUR Titan VapeScreen apart from All The Others.
Ideal for use with not only Vaporizers but ANY Water Pipe. Why? Because a Better Corrossion Resistance Level means that water/liquids WON’T corrode your Titan VapeScreen/Smokescreen the way it will ordinary pipe screens.
So look for the Specially Marked Packages of Titan VapeScreen at YOUR local Retailer
’till next we meet, BE HAPPY.R

Titan VapeScreen Logo